Affordable Pricing for Comprehensive Education

At AIHM, we believe that advancing your education in integrative and whole health should be accessible and affordable. Our certificate program offers a competitive pricing structure designed to ensure that you can enhance your clinical skills without financial strain.

Total Cost Per Certificate

  • Courses purchased one-at-a-time: $4, 800 (see below for price per course)
  • Courses purchased as a Bundle: $4,080

There are no additional enrollment or application fees required, ensuring you can focus on your learning journey without unexpected costs.

Cost Breakdown Per Course

Foundations of Integrative & Whole Health Practice I Hours Cost
FIWH 101: Introduction; Prevention & Wellness 34.5 $1,104
FIWH 121: IM Tools for Clinical Practice I 38.5 $1,232
FIWH 131: Intro to Common Conditions and Chronic Illnesses I 32 $1,024
FIWH 132: Intro to Common Conditions and Chronic Illnesses II 43.5 $1,392
FIWH 145: Final Exam 1.5 $48
Foundations of Integrative & Whole Health Practice II Hours Cost
FIWH 211: Prevention & Wellness II 34.5 $1,104
FIWH 221: Integrative Medicine Tools for Clinical Practice II 38.5 $1,232
FIWH 231: Common Conditions and Chronic Illnesses III 32 $1,024
FIWH 232: Common Conditions and Chronic Illnesses IV 43.5 $1,392
FIWH 241: Clinical Cases 14 $448
FIWH 245: Final Exam 1.5 $48

Invest in Your Future

Our certificate program in Integrative and Whole Health is a valuable investment in your professional development. By enrolling, you will gain essential skills and knowledge to provide holistic, patient-centered care. Join our program and take the next step in your career with confidence, knowing that AIHM supports your educational journey every step of the way.

Enroll Today

Ready to enhance your clinical practice with integrative and whole health expertise? Enroll now and take advantage of our competitive pricing and flexible payment options. Your path to becoming a skilled practitioner in integrative medicine starts here.

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