The Whole Story

Our Journey to Whole Health

The Whole Story

Our Journey to Whole Health

As a global educational authority, the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) is an interprofessional community of healthcare providers, researchers and academics. We are singularly united by the common goal of advancing the knowledge, practice and policies that champion treating the “whole” person — mind, body, spirit, community and planet.

Inviting and unifying conventional, traditional and interprofessional practitioners, alike, AIHM remains grounded in the fundamental tenets of health: equity, diversity and justice. Driven to integrate care disciplines for improving patient, provider and practice outcomes, AIHM is a welcome home to all proponents of Whole Health.

Thirty-five years later, AIHM was created to provide the first, inclusive, unifying vehicle to advance the movement for the shared values and practices of each of these, then, separate interests.

In 1977, a group of visionary physicians, including Norman Shealy, Gladys Taylor McGarey, Bill McGarey, Gerald Looney, and Evarts Loomis gathered at Meadowlark in Hemet, CA, to lay the foundation for the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA). Norm Shealy became the first president of AHMA, and in 1978, the first meeting was held in Denver, CO. At the 1980 AHMA Conference, Norm and his wife, Chardy, met Charlotte McGuire, RN, and encouraged her to start a holistic nursing association. In 1981, Charlotte held the first national meeting of the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA). Over the next four decades, pioneers within AHMA and AHNA advanced holistic medicine and holistic nursing. Simultaneously, pioneers from naturopathic medicine, chiropractic medicine and East Asian medicine were advancing their professions in the USA.
Holistic physicians had another important organization, the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine (ABIHM). ABIHM was working alongside AHMA in developing certification for physicians.
In 2013, leaders from other licensed integrative health professions, including chiropractors, naturopathic physicians, licensed acupuncturists, and holistic nurses, joined to form the Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM).

AIHM unified, for the first time in history, all of the holistic and integrative health professions under one common and inclusive organization – holistic medical doctors, holistic nurses, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, licensed acupuncturists and many more professions.

Transforming the future of healthcare for all.

The formation of AIHM represents the bridging of once disparate silos across health and medicine, which we are now seeing, in real time, more inclusively come together. AIHM is a call to action to guide and accelerate that change — to transform the way we think about health and healthcare by seeing and treating the patient as a whole. While that unifying and transformative work will always be ongoing, we celebrate the bridges that continue being built, the exciting progress we are witnessing every day and AIHM’s privileged role in fostering the impact we are all making together.

Today, the Academy remains a welcoming home to an ever-broadening international interprofessional community of healthcare practitioners, health seekers and health advocates, all connected by a shared holistic philosophy of prioritizing Whole Health care. Our community of passionate and purpose-driven professionals recognize the link between Whole Health and the social and cultural determinants that impact it. Unified in one voice and vision, we strive to better understand, demonstrate, educate and improve the essential quality of our most valued relationships — to our “whole” selves, to one another and to the planet we all share.

… and we invite you to join your voice and vision with ours.

Advancing the cause of Whole Health

Fast forward to 2021, AIHM merged with the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health. This truly represented a historic moment in the movement, because it formally brought together the integrative holistic MD community with the formal licensed integrative professions of integrative health — acupuncturists, chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, direct-entry midwives and massage therapists. This merger also represented the coming together of individual clinicians, researchers, academics AND organizations, all with the one transformative purpose of advancing integrative health globally toward the greater goal of prioritizing Whole Health.


Core Values

Relationship-Centered Care

True practioner/patient partnership respects patient autonomy and the insights of both parties. We teach by example, and practice grace, kindness and acceptance.

Optimal Health

We pursue the highest physical, environmental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the human experience, resulting in a dynamic state of being fully alive.

Whole Person

We view the person through the lens of Whole Health, where there is unity of body, mind, spirit and the systems in which they live.

Prevention, Wellbeing & Integrated Treatment

We promote health rather than merely managing symptoms of illness. We embrace a lifetime of learning, considering all safe and effective care options from a variety of healing traditions.

Innate Healing Power

We believe all people have innate healing powers in their bodies, minds and spirits. We help patients utilize these powers to affect the healing process.


We focus patient care on the unique needs and nature of the person who has an illness, rather than the illness that has the person.

Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC)


Integrative and Whole Health refers to an approach to health that uses a wide-range of therapies to support health of mind, body, and spirit. We acknowledge that the context in which a person exists has a profound impact on their health. Structures of power within Integrative Health institutions in the United States perpetuate structural racism by not examining or addressing white-dominant leadership structures, membership representation, programmatic content, and advocacy engagement.

The Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) Taskforce was created in June 2020 to serve as a catalyst for meaningful transformation towards racial equity in Integrative Health. The taskforce was made a standing committee by AIHM Board of Directors in February 2021. The recommendations of the BIPOC committee were accepted by the board.

“There is no social-change fairy. There is only change made by the hands of individuals.”
 ~Winona LaDuke

BIPOC Committee

Yvette Miller MD, ABIHM

BIPOC Committee Co-Chair

I. Jean Davis PhD, DC, PA, FAIHM

BIPOC Committee Co-Chair

Scarlet Soriano


Grace Alvarez Sesma

Cultural Practitioner, Curandera, Ceremonialist

Unshakeable Commitment

We first recommend that the AIHM make a commitment, as an organization, to consider equity and racism when making all future decisions, and to dismantling previous policies that continue to contribute to inequity (including racial, LGBTQ, disability). This commitment needs to stem from a deep and abiding commitment to racial equity. Our institutional commitment must be grounded on the firmly held belief that all people are of equal value. An unshakable commitment to racial equity and ending discriminatory practices is fundamental to the integrity, strength, and effectiveness of the integrative health movement. We all agree that we are stronger, more vital, and more successful as an organization when we are transparent about our decision making, and when the diversity of our organization—in our leadership, our teaching faculty, our staff, and our membership—reflects the diversity of the human population. This isn’t a short-term “project.” It is an integral part of our values as an organization and of the embodied leadership we offer our community and the larger world. We are, by our nature, the optimal organization to speak to the two great interconnected crises of our time: Environmental collapse and Inequity in Health, Wealth, and Education. Integrative solutions which consider all factors that contribute to both of these crises are the only ones that will be effective in long-term change. And we must lead this change — starting with our own organization.


Elizabeth “Liza” Goldblatt, PhD, MPA/HA

Director of National & Global Projects

April Gruzinsky Roman

Director of Admissions

Bryan Hauf, MEd

Director of Online Education

Sadielis Jimenez, ND

Membership Manager

Meghan Johnson

Marketing & Social Media Manager

Andrea McCurry

Associate Director Operations

Rachel Carlton Abrams, MD, MHS, ABOIM

Interim Fellowship Director

Bill Meeker, DC, MPH

Executive Director

Stephan Nobs, CHTP

Chief Operating Officer

Jessica Price, MEd, NTP

Associate Director of Fellowship


Jean Davis PhD, DC, PA, MSCR, FAIHM

Board Member, BIPOC Committee Co-Chair

Sara Gottfried, MD

Board Member

Dale Healey, DC, PhD

Board Member, ACIH Council Chair

JoAnn Yanez, ND, MPH, CAE

Board Member, ACIH Voting Council Rep

Past Presidents

Bill Meeker, DC, MPH

AIHM 2020 – 2023

Lucia Thornton, RN, MSN, AHN-BC

AIHM 2018 – 2020

Brad Jacobs, MD, MPH, ABIHM, ABOIM

AIHM 2016 – 2018

Barbara Bakus, DO, ABIHM

AHMA 2015

Daniel Friedland, MD

ABIHM 2015-2016,
AIHM 2015-2016

Mimi Guarneri, MD, FACC, ABIHM, ABOIM

ABIHM 2013-2014,
AIHM 2015-present

Molly Roberts, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 2011-2014

Patrick Hanaway, MD, ABIHM

ABIHM 2009-2010

J. David Forbes, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 2009-2011

Wendy Warner, MD, ABIHM

ABIHM 2007-2008

Hal Blatman, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 2007-2009

Larry Palevsky, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 2005-2007

Lee Lipsenthal, MD

ABIHM 2005-2006

Karen Lawson, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 2003-2005

Mark Hoch, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 2002-2003

Scott Shannon, MD, ABIHM, ABOIM

AHMA 2001-2002,
ABIHM 2011-2012

Kathy Fry, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 1999-2001

Robert (Rav) Ivker, DO, ABIHM

AHMA 1996-1999,
ABIHM 2003-2004

Alan Gaby, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 1994-1996

Peter Albright, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 1992-1994

Bill Manahan, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 1990-1992

Bernie Siegel, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 1988-1990

Christiane Northrup, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 1989-1990

Robert Anderson, MD, ABIHM

AHMA 1986 – 1988,
ABIHM 1996 – 2002

Hugh Riordan, MD

AHMA 1984-1986

Elmer Cranton, MD

AHMA 1980-1982

Gladys McGarey, MD, MD(H), ABIHM

AHMA 1982-1984



The Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) awards celebrate our interprofessional community. These prestigious awards in integrative health and medicine are presented each year to those most deserving individuals that have been leaders and inspirations to so many of us. Award recipients uniquely embody our fundamental Academy values: Interprofessionalism, Pluralism, & Love in their respective categories and specific aspects of our AIHM vision & mission.

Each award aligns with our conference theme of People, Planet, Purpose.



THE LEE LIPSENTHAL LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT HEART AWARD The Lee Lipsenthal Lifetime Achievement Heart Award, honors Dr. Lee Lipsenthal, MD (1957-2011) who was a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine. Lee uniquely embodied the core unifying values AIHM was founded on: Interprofessionalism, Equity & Love. Pray with Love, best replica watches websites Nurture with Soul, Harvest with Heart – demonstrates how Lee led and served with grace and love in his life. The Lee Lipsenthal Lifetime Achievement Award recipient has consistently demonstrated these qualities throughout his/her career.


2023 – Brad Jacobs, MD, MPH, ABOIM
2022 – Hong Jin, DAOM, LAc. MD
2021 – Daniel Friedland
2019 – Dan Asimus
2018 – Molly Roberts
2016 – Bill Manahan
2015 – Gladys McGarey
2014 – Robert Anderson

Brad Jacobs, MD, MPH, ABOIM


Hong Jin, DAOM, LAc. MD


Daniel Friedland, MD


Daniel Asimus, MD, MS


Molly Roberts, MD, MS


Bill Manahan, MD


Gladys McGarey, MD, MD(H)


Robert Anderson, MD




THE VISIONARY AWARD Visionaries have great imaginations and wisdom. They lead us where we may not otherwise be able to go – to places in the future that are new and original. They see clearly even when we are unable to do so. Our visionary recipients have demonstrated these qualities for the movement of integrative health and medicine. Like all our recipients, their visionary style embodies the AIHM vision of pluralism, collaboration and love. The recipients are visionaries who have clearly laid out a vision of what the future can look like, promoting the creation of health and the delivery of evidence-informed, comprehensive, affordable, sustainable person-centered care.


2023 – NADA – National Acupuncture Detoxification Association – Accepted By: Ken Carter, MD, NADA President
2022 – John Scaringe, DC
2021 – Tracy Gaudet
2019 – Deepak Chopra
2018 – Joseph Pizzorno
2016 – Larry Dossey
2016 – Barbara Dossey
2015 – Jean Watson

NADA – Accepted By: Ken Carter, MD, NADA President


John Scaringe, DC


Tracy Gaudet, MD


Deepak Chopra, MD


Joseph Pizzorno, ND


Larry Dossey, MD


Barbara Dossey, PhD, RN


Jean Watson, PhD, RN




In every profession and walk of life there are change-makers. These are the people who get things done – the movers and shakers. The recipients of the change-maker award have done something so significant in the field of integrative health and medicine that it has advanced all of us. In the trenches, their work in activism, advocacy, policy or politics has accomplished broad change, laws or consciousness shifts that have advanced people-centered medicine and health care for all of us on the planet.


2023 – NAABB – National Association to Advance Black Birth – Accepted By: Ravae Sinclair, JD, PBD (IPP), CLC, AdvCD (DONA), NAABB Board Member accepting the award
2022 – Rauni Prittinen King MIH, RN, HNB-BC, CHTPI
2021 – Louis Sportelli
2019 – Elizabeth “Liza” Goldblatt
2018 – Christy Mack
2018 – Penny George
2016 – Ruth Westreich
2015 – Deborah Szekely



Rauni Prittinen King MIH, RN, HNB-BC, CHTPI


Louis Sportelli, DC


Elizabeth “Liza” Goldblatt, PhD, MPA/HA


Chirsty Mack


Penny George


Ruth Westreich


Deborah Szekely


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