Welcome to the Integrative and Whole Health Foundations Certificate Program

In today’s healthcare environment, clinicians are increasingly encountering patients with complex health issues that cannot be fully addressed by conventional medicine alone. The Foundations of Integrative and Whole Health Foundations certificate program is designed to bridge this gap by providing practitioners with the knowledge and skills to deliver comprehensive, patient-centered care. This 300-hour1 program teaches the integration of conventional and complementary approaches, such as nutrition, mind-body techniques, and botanical medicine, which are essential for treating the whole person—mind, body, spirit, and community. Studies have shown that integrative medicine can significantly improve patient outcomes and satisfaction by focusing on prevention and wellness, rather than just treating symptoms2.

By completing this program, practitioners not only enhance their clinical toolkit but also gain the ability to meet the diverse and complex needs of their patients with evidence-based, integrative solutions, ultimately leading to better health outcomes and reduced clinician burnout3.

  1. Hours completed in this certificate program are 100% transferable to the 1000-hour AIHM Fellowship program
  2. Source: Mao, J.J., et al. (2017). Integrative Medicine and Patient Outcomes. JAMA Internal Medicine.
  3. Source: Kligler, B., et al. (2018). Impact of Integrative Medicine on Clinician Burnout. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Program Highlights

  • 300 hour program split into 2 certificates, 150 hours each
    • Foundations of Integrative and Whole Health Practice I
    • Foundations of Integrative and Whole Health Practice II
  • Continuing Education Credits
  • 100% online, self-paced
  • Open enrollment

Why Choose this Certificate Series?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our program covers a wide range of topics, from prevention and wellness to the management of chronic conditions using integrative approaches.
  • Expert Faculty Contributions: Learn from leading experts in integrative medicine and whole health who bring an extensive wealth of experience and knowledge to the program.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Collaborate with professionals from various healthcare disciplines, fostering a holistic and interprofessional approach to patient care.
  • Flexible Learning: Our program structure is designed to accommodate busy professionals with 100% of the content online and self-paced.
  • Evidence-Based Practices: Gain skills in evidence-based integrative medicine practices to enhance patient outcomes and promote overall well-being.

Benefits of our certificate program

  • Flexible learning
  • Affordable tuition rates
  • Transferable hours to the AIHM Fellowship Program
  • Enhanced clinical skills
  • Content created by expert faculty
  • Evidence-based Practices for whole person care
  • Printable Certificates with AIHM’s seal.

What you’ll experience

  • Engaging and relevant content covering a wide range of topics in integrative medicine and whole health.
  • Expert instruction from leaders in integrative medicine and whole health.
  • Practical learning experiences and activities that will help to improve your practice.
  • Collaborative learning environment with the opportunity to connect and learn with clinicians and practitioners from various disciplines.

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