Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine on the Move

From the desk of Rachel Carlton Abrams:

Dear Integrative Healthcare Community,
We are excited to inform you about the latest evolution at the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine ( Since the publishing of the transformative Consensus Study “Achieving Whole Health: A New Approach for Veterans and the Nation (2023)” from the National Academy of Medicine, integrative and whole person health have become front and center in healthcare related conversations like never before. Almost every month another College or University comes out addressing the Whole Health approach with adapted or new courses in whole health or making the Whole Health approach central to their curricula. With our Fellowship program AIHM has been one of the pioneers and leaders in integrative health postdoctoral education for many years. AIHM is thrilled that the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) has taken a lead in the movement to change our healthcare paradigm towards whole person health and we are committed to support this initiative full heartedly.

In April, the Board of Directors of AIHM redefined its vision and mission accordingly and created the following purpose statement:

“The Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM) is a global interprofessional organization advancing healthcare by empowering and educating health professionals in the practices and principles that support Whole Health.”

In response to this new alignment, AIHM has broadened the leadership of the Academy to actively address this new opportunity for a paradigm change in healthcare. The Board appointed industry veteran William Meeker as Executive Director and Stephan Nobs as Chief Operating Officer to be co-leaders in this next phase of the evolution of the Academy. Together with the senior leadership team consisting of Erika Cappelluti (Fellowship & Education), Liza Goldblatt (National & Global Projects), April Gruzinsky (Admissions), Bryan Hauf (Online Education), Karla Healey (Development), Caitlin Marinaro (Marketing & Events), and Tabatha Parker (Global & Membership Relations), they will move the mission of the Academy further forward.

With these changes the Academy is now in a strong position to more effectively support the needs of our community of healthcare professionals and all other constituents in integrative and whole health.

Rachel Carlton Abrams
Chair of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine

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