Dear Signers of the “Dear Patient Open Letter”

Dear Signers of the “Dear Patient Open Letter,”

We want to extend a heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for signing on to the Dear Patient Open Letter and to each of you who helped circulate it and who wrote and submitted letters to the editor and op-eds.

The letter was a huge success. You may view it here. It is still open to signers here.

Here are the stats!

  • More than 4,300 signers from across the U.S., including from all 50 states and Guam and Puerto Rico (as of 10/20/20)
  • 11 Letters to the editor and OpEds published in Arizona, California (2), Colorado, Louisiana, Michigan (2), North Carolina (2), Pennsylvania, and Washington State
  • 13 Public News Service Radio interviews featuring health professional voices from Arizona, California,Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington State, and Wisconsin
  • Facebook ads featuring the letter focusing on Arizona, Colorado, Texas, Maine, North Carolina and Georgia. As of 10/27, these ads have had about 75,000 views and 1,800 clicks!

In case you’d care to take a look, we’ve linked to the publications and recordings below. And if we’ve missed anything, please let us know!

Thank you for your contribution. We are honored to have partnered with all of you in the service of our patients and health. We wish you and yours a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

In solidarity and onwards,

Karina Maher, Cynthia Mahoney, Ashley McClure, and Amanda Millstein

On Behalf of the Dear Patient Open Letter Coalition

Individual Publications by State:

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