7 Trends to Watch in Integrative Health

It’s an exciting time for integrative medicine as it is finally becoming more mainstream. Patients now know that our healthcare system is broken and they are seeking solutions outside of the existing healthcare paradigm for prevention, health, and healing.  As the body of evidence to support the integrative practice builds, so does our community.

At AIHM, we aim to feature relevant and forward-thinking topics at our Annual Conference.  Listed below are 7 trends we’ve seen in integrative health this year, and how we will be addressing these trends at our Annual Conference:

1.  A rise in the demand for integrative and functional medicine

Spending and profits in the integrative medicine industry are expected to rise by 2020.  John Weeks of the Integrator Blog will be speaking about the growth of the integrative medicine industry at our annual conference.  Click here for a relevant read on this topic.

2.  Providers focusing on self-care and resiliency

Practitioner health and self-care is of major importance right now, as 83% of healthcare organizations report provider burnout as being a problem for their organization.  Darshan Mehta, MD, MPH, Associate Director of the AIHM Fellowship, will be speaking about Burnout, Resiliency and Balancing Family at our annual conference.  Click here for a relevant read on this topic.

3.  Lifestyle recommendations for cognitive health

Researchers have now shown that our genes are not our
destiny and that our lifestyle can support our overall brain health. The body of research supporting lifestyle factors that impact brain health is building.  Dale Bredesen, MD, the author of The End of Alzheimer’s will be speaking about brain health at our conference. Click here for a relevant read on this topic.

4.  Non-pharma approaches to pain management

Patients are fed up with pharmaceuticals being the main treatment option for pain.  Dietary, mind-body approaches and manual medicine are alternative solutions gaining popularity in healthcare today.  Robert Bonakdar, MD, Michael Kirusi, DO and Roger Mignosa, DO will be leading a featured Pre-Con at AIHM18 on this topic.  Click here for a relevant read on this topic.

5.  Emphasizing nutrition in clinical settings for improved outcomes

With poor nutrition being a cornerstone of health problems and illnesses that plague humanity today, nutrition interventions are critical for improving outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.  At AIHM18 we are featuring several nutrition-focused presentations, such as Implementing Functional Nutrition, The Gut Microbiome, Nutrition for the Mind, Cooking for Cancer Patients and more.  Click here for a relevant read on this topic.

6.  Integrative and holistic nursing continuing to grow

In a medical system that can lack whole-person, heart-centered care, holistic nurses are bringing more connection and effective patient education into healthcare.  Holistic nurses encourage patients to practice self-care, self-responsibility, spirituality, and reflection in their lives and can improve patient outcomes with their unique skill set.  Barbara Dossey PhD, RN, Rauni King, RN and Lucia Thornton, RN will be facilitating a keynote presentation at our conference about the role of holistic nursing in the new health paradigm.  Click here for a relevant read on this topic.

7.  Natural prescriptions for mental health

The “pill for every ill” is not working.  Many mental health professionals are seeking ways to blend integrative approaches and mind/body skills with Western medicine to promote resiliency and better outcomes for patients.  Timothy Culbert, MD, Henry Emmons, MD and Scott Shannon, MD are exploring this topic at our conference.  Click here for a relevant read on this topic.Explore these trends and more at AIHM18!  Register TODAY and take advantage of Early Bird Pricing + 3 Free eLearning Courses!

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